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09/23/13 02:04 PM #15    


Lee (Hardy) Oswalt

Some of you may be curious about the special characters used by your computer for e-mail, twitter, Google, etc.

The following web site provides an interesting article on the subject.


10/29/13 02:00 PM #16    

Annewhite Thomas (Fuller)

Hardy Oswaldt - I have located copies of two  obituaries and would like to send them to you.  Would  you like them to be in Adobe or whatever system..


The students are:  Herbert Del Tyson and Lyndon Faulkenberry.


I will send these copies first. 


If you find others that you have worked, send them on and I wil obituary search.  I am pleased with the number that I have been able to locate.


Annewhite Thomas Fuller 


The Bill Frazier whom I am searching attended our 30th reunion at the Roundhouse.  He lived on Harrison - either the house on the corner or the second one in.  The house was partially renovated and cleaned out in the past 10 years.  I have not seen Bill in a number of years.  He suffered with some mental problems.









10/30/13 07:37 AM #17    


Charles Gattis

Great work, Annewhite!  Thanks for finding these.

10/30/13 08:49 AM #18    

Carol Himmelberger (Dixon)

I see that the obituary for Del Tyson has been located. How can i access it? he was a good friend of mine back then. Thanks for your hard work! I am also pleased to read about everyone's experiences of Connie Lee's coming to our school and how each person was affected by that-and for those who went away to college and had experiences with those of other races-it just warms my heart!


10/30/13 02:06 PM #19    


Lee (Hardy) Oswalt


The format doesn't matter although I prefer to work in Word. Send me the data and I wuill post it.


Lee (Hardy) Oswalt

12/07/13 11:18 AM #20    

Carol Himmelberger (Dixon)

Hi!  Just want to wish everyone a very joyous Christmas from PA!

02/16/14 10:27 AM #21    


Peter Finzel

Who is collecting the checks? All I see is credit card payment information.

Peter Finzel

02/17/14 07:18 AM #22    


Charles Gattis

Hi Peter!

Ron Carter is taking the checks.  His address used to be there and I hope is still is somewhere.  The process as devised by the site is somewhat confusing.  You can mail the check to Ron at 3229 Riley Road, Huntsville, AL 35801 or simply give it to him at the luncheon on Friday.  Hope you are well.


06/22/14 09:23 PM #23    

Karen Beyerle (Binkoski)

Has anyone else noticed how much alike Alan and Mike look in their senior pictures???  :)

06/23/14 07:34 AM #24    


Alan Hoskins

Did you notice we were born on the same day to different mothers?

06/23/14 12:26 PM #25    


Charles Gattis


Alan Hoskins                  Mike Langley
B: Sept. 20, 1946            B: Sept. 20, 1946


06/24/14 05:43 PM #26    

Akasha (Also Laura) Halsey

OK, this is getting just a little tooo freaky... And why didn't we notice this before 50 years had passed?

Akasha (Laura) Halsey

06/25/14 02:08 PM #27    


Nancy Kelley

I sat and talked to Connie Lee Tanner at the benches by the bus stop one afternoon while we were in high school.  I asked him why he wanted to go to HHS.  He said that he could not get the science courses he needed at Council HS.  He needed the science courses for the school he wanted to go to.  I asked him what he wanted to study after high school, and he said, "Don't laugh." (He was serious).  I said I wouldn't and he said that he wanted to study mortuary science so he could be a mortitian.  I told him that I thought it was an honorable profession and was sad that he couldn't get what he needed at Council.  I had heard a rumor that the NAACP had bought his books for him because apparently, he came from a poor family.

06/26/14 08:41 AM #28    


Charles Gattis

Interesting conversation.  Thanks for sharing it.  We tried to find him early on and couldn't.  Several have shared experiences with him.  Some don't remember him actually graduating with us.  My memory is just not that good.

07/20/14 04:06 PM #29    

Jessica Dykes (McGee)

It appears that the 50th reunion of HHS was a tremendous success!  Sorry I had to miss. Congratulations to the entire committee for the planning and execution of the plan.  Looks like everyone had a wonderful time.  A special thanks to Charles for his excellent organizational & commicational skills.  All was very much appreciated,  


Jessica McGee

07/21/14 06:59 AM #30    


Charles Gattis

Thanks Jessica. You were missed. 

07/21/14 10:53 AM #31    


Angela Gray (Mauldin)

I want to say "THANK YOU" for the hard work of "all the classmates" who planned and hosted the HHS Class of 1964 50th Reunion! What a wonderful experience -- it was great to see so many smiling faces and realize how little we have changed -- just older and wiser. At dinner I sat at a table with classmates from Florida, Virginia, and California, rewarding your efforts by coming from far and wide to participate. I want to also say thank you to Charles Gattis for the flattering pictures of us all - allowing us to have memories to share with our families. 

Best Wishes to "The Class of 1964"

Stay Happy and Healthy - hope to see you all again in 2024!!!!!!laugh

Angela Gray (Mauldin)

07/21/14 11:26 AM #32    


Charles Gattis

I'm so glad you came, and hope to see you in Huntsville again very soon.

07/21/14 11:32 AM #33    

Pat (Trish) Morrison (Bolian)

Charles and all who worked to hard...once again my many thanks for all of your hard work. You did an excellent job and your efforts were really appreciated!

Jessica, I was so looking forward to seeing you! Since we both live in TN maybe we can get together here.

Charles and all, thanks so much for all of your work!   "Pat Morrison" (now Trish Bolian)

08/12/14 07:26 AM #34    

Bill Williams

Connie Tanner did not graduate in 1964 and I think that was the only year he went to HHS. I, along with several others, was "being made an example of" for poor academic preformance. We were not "allowed" to be seniors with the rest of our class, but were classified as juniors until after summer school. Connie Tanner was in "my" junior home room in1964. He was the son of a sharecropper. His family lived on a farm owned by one of our classmates. Sorry, but I can not remember who.

07/12/24 02:48 PM #35    


Charles Gattis

Ridley Mormon sent this after reading the class history--

After reading the Red and Blue article I'm embarrassed I have little recollection of the historic places we reputedly visited on our class trip. I do remember someone throwing a TV out of a hotel window in NY as we got off the bus though. Sad, huh?

And I remember Cathy Shook getting chewing gum on my shirt and Linda 
Phillips slapping me. I enjoyed seeing an update on Linda and Connie Gray, my first "date" in the 4th grade. We went to a movie and I gave her a dime to get her own popcorn.

Explain to what we remember and what we don't.

07/13/24 12:10 PM #36    

Chuck Hummel

The TV was thrown out the hotel window in New York City by college students in town for the NIT basketball tournament then being held in town. College students were even rowdier than high school students on a senior trip!

Chuck Hummel

07/14/24 07:06 AM #37    


Charles Gattis

I remember that too. I thought there was something with a fired extinguisher that we did.

07/14/24 11:13 AM #38    

Paul Bates

I remember a man in a kilt playing a bagpipe, think we got there 3-17. Elevators had crowds of people waving keys to get to the parties upstairs. A frank wrapped in bologna counted as a course at Momma Leone's. Sheila turned me down for the prom marking the end of the first part of our journey.  She would look me up on the redneck riviera in June and tell me she was tired of us not dating marking the beginning of phase two. Memories were formed and many of us took advantage of friends who were 18. 

07/14/24 11:16 AM #39    

Paul Bates

Fire extinguisher was DC and ended this right of passage.  

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