Great Memories! 
On this page, we can share memories of our days at Huntsville High. You are welcome to share newspaper articles, booklets, pictures, or other remembrances you have of our days together. These will need to be scanned in PDF format. That's easy to do with our smartphones today. On an iPhone, you simply click on your "Files" app, click on the three dots on the top right, and click "Scan Documents." Hold your phone over the object you want to share and the photo will automatically scan it. Save it and then email it to me at
Here are the documents I have already. Just click on the link and you will be taken to the page:
- Graduation Service
- Baccalaureate Service
- Graduation Newspaper Article
- Class Directory (10 years after graduation) *
- Class History by Eleanor
- Senior Trip Article in Red and Blue
- HHS vs Sheffield Football Program (note the price) *
- Brownie Troup Picture
- Original Wayfarers
- Space Age Article in Huntsville Times
* This item has several pages and may take a minute or so to load